
What is the Best 12 Week Workout plan for (Men’s & Women’s)

Get Best Results In Just 12 Weeks

What if I had a perfect body like him? How can I get a body like? These are a common question many of you think about many times in a day. But then you just sat demotivated that you can’t achieve your goal of an ideal body.

But the only problem that is stopping you from achieving your goal is your mindset. The first step towards achieving any goal is to set your mindset. Once you do your mental makeup, there is nothing impossible for you to achieve.

The Best 12 Week Workout Plan

In this article, we are going to explain a simple 12-week weight loss workout plan. Yes, you heard right we are going to help you to turn your dream of a perfect body into reality. It is a simple process, and you will enjoy a lot during your transformation from fat to fit. The process starts with an easy step to build your stamina. This 12-week workout plan consists of creating a reliable diet and exercise regimen.

For muscle building.

12 Week Workout Plan

  1. Week One

Every step requires a lot of effort, but the first step requires most effort as it is your baby step towards achieving the goal. At the start, one might face ay difficulties to attain their weight loss workout for men. But with time, things will go easy on you.

Exercise Routine: It is your first week, so let’s start with a simple and straightforward exercise routine. If your physical and fitness mobility is pretty weak, then be ready as the first few days will be a real slog for you. The exercises you need to follow are:

Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Bench Press 3 8-10
One Arm Dumbbell Row 3 10-12
Pull-Ups 3 10-12
Skull Crushers 3 10-12
Dumbbell Curl 3 10-12


Diet Routine: For seven days, you need to have more than 2100 calories to keep up with your tough exercise routine.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2300 3
Moderate Carb 2400 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Two

You still feel pain in your limbs and arms from the training of the first week, but the second week will not be as strict as the first week. Your body starts to physical mobility and tries to cope up with the situation. And

Exercise Sets Reps
Goblet Squat 3 8-10
One Arm Corner Press 3 10-12
Chest  Press 3 10-12
Seated Cable  Row 2 10-12
Dumbbell Setups 2 10-12

In week two, you need to workout on four days with taking rest on the remaining 3 days just to make your body acceptable to the heavy exercise routine.

Diet Routine: With the heavy exercise routine, you will develop an appetite to meet your daily calories requirements.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2200 3
Moderate Carb 2400 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Three

With the start of week three, you will feel a new energy in your body. Your body started to lose its stiffness, and its process of transformation into a perfect body begins.

Exercise Routine: As time passes, your exercise routine will become more stringent. In the third week, specific new exercises also added in your routine.

Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Chest Press 4 8-10
Trap Bar Deadlift 4 10-12
Reverse Crunch 3 10-12
Single Arm Corner Press 3 10-12
Dumbbell Setups 3 10-12


Diet Routine: There will be some low carbs day, and some are moderate carbs day just to make your diet balanced, which will be helpful in men’s weight loss workout routine.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2100 3
Moderate Carb 2400 3
High Carb 2700 1

To know which foods are best for trimming fat.

  1. Week Four

Week four just start with the boom as brings out some more challenges for you. Patience is a key to key. Just do your best and wait patiently for 12 weeks to see the mind-blowing results of your transformation.

Exercise Routine: Deep inside you will feel that your body is recovering from the last three weeks torchers and is now gladly accepting your exercise routine, which is a good sign.

Exercise Sets Reps
Trap Bar Deadlift 10 3
Sandbag Split Squat 3 8
Lat Pull-down 3 8
Corner Press 3 10-12
Run 1 1/2 miles

Week four exercise routine consists of only 4 days.

Diet Routine: One crucial thing you must keep in mind is that only exercise is not enough to make sure to keep your diet with your routine, which can help you in your weight-loss mission.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 20000 3
Moderate Carb 2400 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Five

With the start of week five, you will again feel that you are at just standing at the beginning. But don’t be dishearten and continue with your weight loss gym routine males to witness amazing results.

Exercise Routine: Follow these exercises in week 5.

Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlift 10 4
Corner Press 3 10
Back Squat 10 4
Corner Press 3 40 min
Run 1 1 mile

The great news is you only need to do workout 3 days in week 5.

Diet Routine: Make sure to plan your diet routine according to the chart.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2300 3
Moderate Carb 2300 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Six

Have faith and confidence in yourself and keep going on with your 12-week workout plan.

Exercise Routine: With each passing day, add makes your posture perfect, and you will start to see the transformation in your body.

Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlift 10 4
Lat Pull-down 3 10-12
Sand Bag  Split Squat 3 10
Corner Press 3 10
Run 2 1/2 mile

Diet Routine: Never compromise on your daily calories intake. Make sure you are taking the required calories daily.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2200 3
Moderate Carb 2300 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Seven

Let’s start week seven with a new spirit and move a step forward towards achieving your goals.

Exercise Routine: Seven-week consists of 5 days of exercise.

Exercise Sets Reps
Back Squats 3 10
Deadlift 3 8
Pull-Ups 3 8
Walking Lunge 3 12
Farmers Walk 3 40 min


Diet Routine:  Keeping yourself hungry doesn’t help you in transforming into a fit body. So follow a proper diet plan as well.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2100 3
Moderate Carb 2300 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Eight

With the start of week eight, you enter into a new phase of weightloss workout plan for male. Which is that now there are more challenges to overcome.

Exercise Routine: Follow these exercise for 4 days in a week.

Exercise Sets Reps
Hanging Leg  Raise 3 15
Dumbbell Step-ups 3 12
Pull-Ups 3 10
Walking Lunge 4 12
Farmers Walk 4 40 min


Diet Plan: Diet plays a vital role in helping your body from recovering extensive exercise and assist you in moving one step forward towards your goal.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2200 3
Moderate Carb 2300 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Nine

Keep going on. I am sure this is your inner voice as now you are very close to achieving your goal. Just keep a little patience and strength.

Exercise Routine: You will be amazed by now when you see a mirror to notice your transformation. But still, I must say it is too early to enjoy. You still have 4 weeks to go. Keep focusing on your weight loss exercise plan.

Exercise Sets Reps
Back Squat 4 12
Dumbbell Shoulder press 4 12
Pull-Ups 4 12
Leg Raise 4 15
Farmers Walk 3 40 min

Diet Routine: Even a single day of cheating can cause more significant harm than all your struggle. So try not to cheat your diet plan.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2200 3
Moderate Carb 2300 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Ten

Congratulations you have entered into the last phase of your 12-week workout plan. There is a little more to overcome in making your dream a reality.

Exercise Routine: You must do these exercises for 4 days a week as they are little milestones towards your goal.

Exercise Sets Reps
Back Squat 3 8
Leg Extension 3 15
Military Press 3 8
Straight Arm Pull-down 3 15
Reverse  Cable Curl 3 15


Diet Routine: Even small things have great importance and diet is not a small thing when it comes for a weightloss transformation. Follow a proper diet plan.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2200 3
Moderate Carb 2200 3
High Carb 2700 1


  1. Week Eleven

Hurry, there is one more week to go. But if you think that you can smash these last week’s easily then sorry to break your bubble, but you are wrong. You still need a lot of effort for a perfect body.

Exercise Routine: With these sweating exercises, you will feel a form of burns in all your body.

Exercise Sets Reps
Chinup 3 8
Straight Arm Pull-down 3 15
Leg Extension 4 15
Military Press 4 8
Reverse Cable Curl 3 15


Diet Routine: This week of diet plan should be according to the below requirements.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2100 3
Moderate Carb 2200 3
High Carb 2700 1

If you are looking for low carb food, then follow our article on low carb food for weight loss.

  1. Week Twelve

And this is last week of your struggle and effort. You are ready to bear the fruit of your patience.

Exercise Routine: follow these exercise in four days of a week.

Exercise Sets Reps
Chinup 3 8
Arm Pulldown 3 15
Military press 3 8
Leg Extension 3 15
Reverse Cable Curl 4 15


Diet Routine: And here is your last diet plan for the last 12 week.

Carbs Amount Calories Days
Low Carb 2000 3
Moderate Carb 2200 3
High Carb 2700 1


Final Words

Patience is essential to follow your 12-week weight workout plan for weight loss. But keep two things in mind strictly follow your diet and exercise routine only then you will be able to achieve desired results.