
The Benefits Of Having A Garden Room

There are many benefits to having a garden room. Not only could it act as a hideaway from difficult family members, it could also double up as an office and even a spare room! No wonder extensions are more popular than ever before – when property prices are so expensive making what you’ve already got even bigger is always an appealing prospect. And the alternative to a loud and messy extension is simply building an extra mini-building outside.

With no further ado, Hammersmith and Fulham estate agents, Lawsons and Daughters have highlighted the top five favourite uses for a garden room…

An Extra Room

As mentioned early, property prices are soaring across the UK and there’s a desperate shortage of quality homes on the market. Hence homeowners are having to find more and more ways to capitalise on every space of their house. The good news about garden rooms is that they rarely need planning permission and can be installed in a couple of days. Simply whack in some electrics and you’ll instantly have a place for people to lay their heads when they come to stay (or somewhere for that grown up child who seems intent in never moving out).

The Benefits Of Having A Garden Room

Garden Office

There are more and more people working from home these days. And of course there are all of those (sigh) working weekends. What with smartphones and the like, many people never seem to switch off! Broadband connection means that people can use the internet, check emails and transmit documents in the same way they would in the office, so what’s the point of being in the office? There are lots of benefits to working from home and a garden room can make the whole experience more pleasant.


This may sound old-fashioned, but a summerhouse is very popular, providing a relaxing retreat from the hecticness of the main property. The 21st century summerhouse can offer double glazing, insulation and electrics, to be enjoyed all year round. They can be used for relaxing with friends in, or even for chilling out after work. If you want to play loud music, this could also be an option (just make sure you have soundproofing first).

The Fitness Centre

Do you enjoy yoga? If so, you could try using the outdoor property as a fitness centre. With health and fitness at the top of many people’s agendas, an outside space to work out in could be perfect for those looking for a place to exercise regularly in. After all, gyms can be expensive and difficult to get to – what better than performing a pilates or yoga move in an enclosed, private space?


Got lots of stuff? Unwilling to chuck out those numerous nineties photo album of you and your friends partying, or your Grandma’s antique jewellery collection? Or perhaps simply you like extreme sports and have lots of bulky equipment you need to keep somewhere? Well, a garden room could be the perfect option – just make sure that you are ruthless when you’re getting rid of things – it’s not hard when you know how!

Garden rooms are a fantastic option for homeowners looking for an extra space, minus the hassles of and extension. Have a look into purchasing one – they can even add value to your property, so it’s never a waste of time.