
Step by Step Instructions For A DIY Installation Of Naturelle Flooring

In recent years there has been a great emphasis on DIY projects that are geared towards saving money in most cases. Sometimes the project is a result of a passion for home hobbies, and there are many homeowners who simply like to have a hand in the construction or remodeling for their own home. In any case, when it comes to the Naturelle line of vinyl plank flooring available online or at the showroom of Ellegant Home Design at 1002 W. Dundee Road in Arlington Heights, Illinois, it is good to know there are really just a few steps needed to install this flooring to arrive at a professional looking finished project.

1. Preliminary Steps to Be Taken

Of course the first thing you need to do is measure the room to get accurate dimensions because this is how you know how much flooring to buy. The one thing you need to keep in mind is that the manufacturer of Naturelle suggests that you only use the same production lot when installing a floor. They explain that the lot number is on the end of the box so that you can match lot numbers to ensure you have the exact same production run.

2. Examine the Sub Flooring Carefully

It is said in the industry that floors are only as good as the sub flooring under which you are going to lay your surface. The key is to make sure there is no mold built up because this may very well indicate a water leak somewhere under the floor. Perhaps pipes are leaking and this will prevent the adhesive from keeping your flooring intact.

Also, the surface should be smooth so that the adhesive bond between the vinyl planks and the sub floor holds well. If there are too many bumps and uneven patches, the vinyl planks may lift at some point. Besides being smooth and dry, make sure all foreign bits of dust and old adhesive are removed to ensure the planks will adhere.

3. Moisture and Bond Testing

While the home DIYer may not exactly understand these tests and some of the terminology used, it is also imperative that you run a moisture test where the results are no greater than 5 pounds per 1,000’ sq. within a 24 hour time period. The bond testing is a bit easier and after that you are then told to turn on your HVAC so that the temperature is maintained at 65° F for a time period of at least 48 hours before you install the flooring and thereafter keep the room anywhere from 55° F and 100° F at all times. Also during this time, the flooring should be acclimatized because the planks can crack easily upon handling if they aren’t at the correct temperature during the installation process.

4. Taking Stock of the Planks

It is recommended that at this point you carefully inspect your vinyl planks. Check for directional arrows and make sure they are visible so that you can line up the planks when it’s time to install them. Also check for any deformities, abnormalities or cracked and chipped pieces.

5. Begin with the Conventional Centering Chalk Line

As when installing any other type of tile, vinyl or ceramic, from here on out the steps to be followed are much the same as with the installation of any type of vinyl flooring. Get your starting point at the center so that you can work outwards. This is accomplished with that chalk / snap line. Lay the center first then work from there outwards on one side of the room until it’s complete. Go back to the center and work outwards to the other side.

6. Spreading Adhesive Is Next

The recommended type of adhesive is manufactured by Adore, the company that manufactures Naturelle vinyl plank flooring. There is a very particular way to handle this bonding agent and so it is also recommended that you follow their instructions carefully. You never want to lay the layer of adhesive too thick or too thin because this will definitely interfere with the bond. At this point a ‘warning’ of sorts is called for. It is imperative that you never let the bonding agent dry so act quickly to lay the planks. When they are laid in the area you are working, immediately roll outwards with a minimum of a 100 pound roller or an acceptable alternative. This, too, is a vital step and one that should be taken seriously.

7. Installing from the Perpendicular Center Lines

This is the place where many DIYers make a grave mistake. Although it doesn’t seem like a big mistake, it is vital to lay the planks exactly along the line you are working with, depending on the direction of the planks in relation to the room. If you lay them inaccurately along the center it will significantly affect all other planks in the room, especially at corners and small spaces. Here another important direction is given. Going back up to the instructions about the adhesive, make sure you only spread as much as you need under the plank. If you spread too much it will dry before you get to the next plank.

8. Final Bits of Advice – Allow for Cutting Time

Finally, when you’ve worked your way to the corners, it is highly recommended that you don’t spread any adhesive to planks that haven’t been cut. If you do, it will dry necessitating a fresh coat which will then make a poor and lumpy bond. Only spread adhesive for planks that are already cut. In so doing you will ensure a smooth bond which is the key to a properly laid Naturelle vinyl plank floor.

These are just the basic step by step instructions so make sure to carefully read the instructions that come from Adore, the manufacturer of Naturelle planks and also if you have any questions whatsoever you can talk to the experts at Ellegant. The key to a beautiful floor is in the installation so take time to understand what you are doing and when. With a product as lovely as Naturelle and a high quality installation, you can count on enjoying your new floor for many, many years.