
Serve Up Healthy Foods For Your Kids

Eating habits in life start early. For that reason, you should try your best to serve up healthy foods to your kids. Sure, there’s no real harm in a cookie every so often, but make sure they are getting the nutrients and the building blocks they need for health now and healthy habits later.

Different foods support different functions of the body. Kids need a well-rounded diet free of additives, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, overly processed and overly salted food. It’s important to begin healthy habits, like eating meals together and offering a variety of healthy foods, at an early age. These habits are the ones that will stick with kids for adult health.

Foods for a Good Immunity System

Caring for your Child’s Teeth

It’s not so hard to figure out a healthy diet. Like Colleen Levine says in her interview on FoodyDirect, “food tastes best when it’s fresh, local and in season.” Model good eating behavior for your kids, have meals together and make your children a part of food choices.

Go to the produce section of the grocery store and have them pick out some veggies and fruits they love. Let them try new ones. Keep them on hand so they are as easy to grab as chips or cookies.

Stay out of the drive thru line and keep things on hand that you can prepare quickly or for on the go eating. Feeding your kids healthy is a lifelong gift you can give them.