
Medicine In Barcelona: Medical Sectors and Popular Clinics

It is commonly recognized that Spanish, especially Catalonian health care system is one of the best in the world. Medicine in Spain – Barcelona or other cities – is accomplished with the help of the newest methods and innovative technologies. Medical achievements attract people from all over the world. Catalonia is perfect place for delivery of a child. This is also good place for living. The average duration of life is about 82 years. If you are ill, it is better to have therapy right here. As a matter of fact, Spain takes leading position in effectiveness of medical therapy.

Spanish doctors were recognized as the best prepared doctors in the world. The leading specialists of different medical branches attract big number of foreign patients. The service is fast and effective. More than 16 000 of foreign patients have their treatment in Barcelona.

Doctor greating patient

Medical Sectors in Barcelona


There are many popular oncology centers in Barcelona. They are Instituto Oncologico Baselga de Hospital Quiron, Teknon, IMOR. These centers differ with the newest technologies, diagnostic methods, and individual approach to treat oncology diseases. All innovative methods in the area of radio surgery, surgery, and chemotherapy are used.

The centers also offer to use list of additional services: reparative surgery, psychology help, aesthetic department, alternative therapy. All specialists are researchers and doctors, well-known all over the world. Their research works were awarded with European Council (ERC) to be the best leading scientific project in medicine area.


Ophthalmology center Barraquer is probably the most prestigious center of ophthalmology in the world. More than 15 000 of surgical operations are provided in this center every year. More than 300 of them are transplantations. The patients of this clinic are celebrities, famous scientists and country leaders.


The doctors of Barcelona have great experience in operative treatment of spinal column, limb prosthetic by means of the newest methods. These methods were the first and the most successful in Europe to use. Barcelona is a city of football and other sports. So, it is important to develop medicine to treat traumas and orthopedic problems. The world popular sport champions have their treatment here, in Barcelona.

Plastic Surgery

Such clinics as Teknon, Quiron and Planas center are popular all over the world. The meaningful event in the world of plastic surgery is International Congress in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery takes place in Planas clinic. The centers provide surgical correction, individual programs in the spheres of dietology, and anti-age medicine.

CPMC Surgery

General Surgery

General surgery in Barcelona is in the reliable hands of experienced surgeons, world leaders in development of the newest methods of laparoscopic surgery, transluminal surgery. What do you know about the most innovative surgery with no bleeding and no scars? The patient is ready to go home in 3 days. The minimal-invasive surgeries were developed and widely applied in Barcelona to treat many different diseases. They belong to all medical spheres, including oncology. The surgery attacks of this kind allow preventing complications.

The result of this procedure is easy surgery, minimal blood loss, fast recovering, and no scars. It is very important to make general surgery safe.


Such clinics as Dental Deluxe, Aparicio and Mirave use super modern developments and innovative methods of this specialization (zygomatic implants, prosthetic dentures for allergists free from metals). Treatment in Barcelona is provided with the help of the newest technologies, operative and noninvasive, by popular stomatologists. They are experienced specialists not only in the sphere of stomatology, but general surgery. This is a great chance for special patients with special diseases to get their treatment.


Pay attention to popular clinic in this specialization – Instituto Guttmann in Barcelona. More than 14 000 of patients have visited this center to get their treatment there. You know, experienced doctors reached 95% of success. According to FIM (Functional Independent Measure), this result can be compared just with American NSCISC (National Spine Cord Injured USA).

Being the biggest scientific-research institution in the area of neuro-rehabilitation and experimental technologies, Instituto Guttmann operates with the newest equipment, the best in Europe. This is the therapy of multidiscipline approach, considering social, psychology and medical consequences to provide many-sided patient’s support and adaptation.


The city boasts with different neurosurgery teams. They are situated in different clinics all over the city. The most of them are pioneers of new minimal invasive methods in the area of neurosurgery: neuro micro surgery, neuro navigation, robotic neurosurgery, virtual reality, transcranial magnetic stimulation. The greatest success in operative treatment of tumors and pathologies of brain and spinal brain, peripheral nerves and trifacial nerve was achieved in Barcelona clinics.

Cardiovascular Surgery

There are many successful teams in this area. The most prominent of them are specialists in the sphere of angioplasty, endoluminal and interventional surgery, endovascular treatment, coronary reimplantation and heart transplantation. It is worth saying that doctors in Barcelona have been succeeded in cardiovascular treatment, especially for children: experimental methods help to remove congenital heart pathology. It helped Spanish doctors become the world-popular specialists all over the world.


Instituto Garcia–Ibanez is the world popular center in the world in the sphere of otolaryngology. This medical sphere has been succeeded in microsurgery, neurootology, implanted technology and peripheral injuries.


Pediatrics is represented by Hospital San Joan de Deu, situated at the same name university. This is the best-visiting center of pediatrics and tocology in the world. The hospital is 130 years old. The history is rich and glorious. This is the oldest pediatrics center in Europe. Listen to the results in figures: more than 4200 babies are born in this place every year. More than 120 000 kids come here from other countries. The center is easy to find. You should hire a car in Barcelona in the airport and go to the university’s clinic.

General Check-up

Having no problems with your health, you can come to Barcelona for general check-up. It includes exclusive check-up programs of different complicated levels. Never miss your chance to use opportunity in Barcelona to the full. General check-up gives you a chance to start individual program of preventive treatment.