
Killer Content Development Strategies

It has been said, “content is king.” That saying is based largely on the impact content can have any website, elevating it to a position where other sites are not visible. Or at least help a site maintain its place in a sea of relevant websites. However, to distinguish yourself from the pack, you must consider ways to lift your content. That begins by developing killer content that simply nails it.

Plan Your Strategy

Where is your website right now and where do you want to take it? That two-fold question may yield an elaborate response, one that considers keywords, search engine results pages, marketability and a host of other factors. You may not even understand what all those factors mean, therefore consulting a list of local SEO companies and choosing one to help you in that endeavor is wise.

Your strategy should be comprehensive too — you need to know the concrete steps to take in order to reach your goals. Further, you’ll need to establish benchmarks to meet along the way. Your success will be measured in small increments, not in big leaps and bounds.

Defining Killer Content

What is killer content? In brief, killer content is any content that gets you noticed, elevates your site, and brings in new business. All three aspects can be reached through one article, but even just one can benefit your site. Collectively, the many articles written and disseminated across your website can give it the lift it deserves.

Killer content is always unique and original. The stories written should impart solid information and give your readers at least one takeaway. They should also contain a call to action to ensure that readers know what to do next — view another article, visit a sales page, subscribe to your site and so forth. Make it easy for people to take action.

Developing Killer Content

Killer content doesn’t just happen. It is planned, written, and executed. A good rule of thumb for stellar content are articles at least 500 words in length. Each article should have a magnetic headline and be split in subparts with each part having a heading.

Start off with a strong opening paragraph and then segue to your body. Write interesting, informative and factually correct prose. There is no need to exaggerate, but do embellish sentences to keep your reader’s attention. Most web articles are read within two or three minutes; even then you may lose your readers if you bore them.

Even better than short articles are longer ones that impart a story or resolve a problem, such as a “how to” article. Consider that people scour the web in search of answers. What can you do to help them find those answers? Likely, you have an arsenal of good advice just waiting to be dispensed.

Hiring Help

We touched on earlier the need to find help with all your SEO needs. Part of that assistance can come in content development, with the company you choosing supplying the writers to help you get the work done.

At the same time, you might consider what internal sources you have to share information. Indeed, if you have slides that have been well received, these can be converted into articles to reach people through your website.

Another option is simply to hire a freelancer directly to meet your needs. Here, you need to carefully vet this individual to ensure that they have the skills and capacity to write what you want. You’ll need to develop a criteria for this individual to follow. You’ll also need to decide how deep you want this person to dig to develop their work. Know that the more learned the information required, the more you will have to pay for the work. Then again, it is entirely worthwhile to invest in your freelancing to achieve your goals.

Making it Happen

Once you begin to curate content, then you’ll need to schedule when these articles will appear on your website. You’ll also want to share your work so that others will see it. Using such social media tools as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus can extend your reach, putting your killer content in front of more eyes. The more people who see your work, the more likely you’ll gain new customers.