
Keep Your Brain Sharp As You Age

Although mental decline in elderly adults happens all too often, there are steps you can take to keep your brain sharp as a tack. One of the reasons memory loss occurs in older people is because they slow down their mental and physical activities. Don’t let that happen to you! You can keep your brain young and vibrant as you head into your golden years if you stay active and practice self-care.

Stay Mentally Active

You should continue using and expanding your mental capabilities as you age. Just because you retired doesn’t mean you can stop learning and thinking. When you challenge your brain to think, you stimulate nerve-cell connections and even create new brain cells. To exercise your gray matter:

Get Off the Couch

When you get physical exercise, you are doing more than toning your muscles and slimming your physique. When you work out, blood pumps throughout your body, including to your brain. You don’t have to become a marathon-runner to reap the benefits of exercise; even walking around the block can help you to:

Eat Better

Don’t underestimate the value of a healthy diet. You know the old saying that you are what you eat? It’s true. The foods you eat not only impact what your body looks and feels like; they also play a huge part in maintaining your brainpower. Some rules of thumb to remember include:

Minimize Your Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too many cocktails can lead to dementia. If you are a social drinker, stick to only one or two drinks per day. If you drink more than that:

Take Care of Your Head

In order to safeguard your head, which is where your brain is stored, protect yourself against physical and emotional stressors. For example:

With a few lifestyle tweaks, not only can you protect your brain, but you can live a happier life, as well. You have the power to keep your mind young.