
Inside The Gates Residence

You may be wondering exactly what I’m trying to get at here, but you will find it interesting believe me. Bill Gates is the chief executive of the well known Microsoft company and he has a net worth of 67 billion! Wow, I sure would like to be his friend. Not only is he classed as the richest man in the world but he also has one of the most technologically advanced houses ever. This master piece took 7 years to build and it cost a big whopping $63 million for all the ins and outs. Here we will take a look at the extravagant technology incorporated in making this home so freaking awesome.

bill gates residence

The Building

Bill Gates home is designed in a lodge style. The property features an estate-wide server system and 60 ft swimming pool with an underwater speaker system. A 2,500 sq ft gym a 1000 sq ft dining room and heated floors and driveway. Wow! I will let you digest all that information before I tell you all about the great technology used to make this home 100% functional. His home is also eco friendly as it has earth sheltering. This basically means that earth is used to build external walls for thermal mass, this helps to reduce heat loss and maintain a steady indoor temperature.

The Features

Now we are getting to the exciting part. Here are 10 amazing facts you probably didn’t know about Bill Gates home.

Bill Gates futuristic home is surely one I would like to visit (in my dreams). His automatic home makes his house one of the most talked about homes in the world. One last fact is that Bill Gates mansion is located in the side of a hill which is located overlooks Lake washington in Medina washington. You can actually even view Bill Gates house on google maps, go ahead take a look for yourself!

Bio: Can you imagine the data swinging around the Gates home? It would be immense! The data going to and from the keychange alone would be impressive, I wonder if he backs up? Haha. It’s like his own personal data centre, just like ShareFile.com.