
How To Look After Your Health From Home

How To Look After Your Health From Home

Procrastination can be a way of life. It’s so easy to neglect that never-ending to-do list, putting off chores and maintenance activities, telling yourself you’ll get to it eventually; however, that attitude is not advisable in respect of your health. Ignoring your health for too long can lead to sky-high treatment costs and conditions that simply can’t be reversed. Proactively monitor your health and take action to correct concerns early by following these five tips.

Stay Active

Fitness isn’t just for body sculpting. Staying active helps prevent or treat lifestyle diseases and premature aging, including loss of muscle tone, compromised coordination, bone degeneration, diabetes, heart disease, and a whole host of other medical problems.

A good policy for at-home health approaches to fitness is to always target a little more. Don’t feel the need to jump in at the deep end and go from couch potato to marathon runner in a month. It’s better to scale up slowly; you’re more likely to actually stick with the plan, and less likely to risk injury. Download an app or program with a clock to remind you to get up and stretch or take a walk every hour. Choose the stairs and walk, run, or cycle rather than driving to boost your activity rate. Gardening and home maintenance provide healthy baseline activity. More intensive exercise brings greater benefits, though, so try to work your way up to yoga, jogging, and/or gym sessions for optimal health and disease prevention.

Eat Clean

There’s lots of debate on the perfect diet – is it Italian? Japanese? Should you go vegan, or stick to meat-heavy Paleo caveman food? Is it really necessary to buy organic, grain-fed, free-range, etc.? While you can explore the many options, there is some consensus around better eating habits. In general, home-cooked meals from fresh, whole foods are better for you than packaged, prepared, or fast food meals. A balanced diet includes fat and protein, and some carbs, but limits sugar and salt intake. Vegetables and meat are better for you than grains.

Eating clean can help prevent metabolic syndrome, manage diabetes and heart disease, and prevent chronic illness. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, or just want to feel better on a day to day basis, healthy eating is one of the first places you should start. And all those food costs are still cheaper than seeking medical treatment when things get out of hand.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Adequate sleep has proven health benefits. It lowers stress, improves cognitive function, helps manage weight gain, and takes pressure off of body systems. Plan for around eight hours a night; you’ll be more productive during the day, and your body will thank you.

Keep an Eye on Vision

If you’ve never worn glasses, you may think you’re off the hook on this one, but it pays to be vigilant. Excessive screen time (staring at that computer or mobile, for instance) can impair your distance vision. Most adults will need reading glasses as they age.

Scheduling checkups by an optometrist is a necessary part of your vision care plan. Optometrists can catch early warning signs of some diseases such as diabetes and cataracts before they worsen and become significant problems.

If vision problems are developing, you can see a specialist and deal with the concern before it starts negatively impacting your life and becoming a health crisis. Some eye conditions are easily resolved, while others may require more intensive treatments. Address vision problems early with maintenance visits to a licensed optometrist, and if required Lasik eye surgey in Nashville is a readily accessible solution.

Tend those Teeth

Oral hygiene isn’t just for good looks. Regular flossing and brushing, as well as scheduled cleaning at a dentist’s office, are essential in maintaining your health. Cavities aren’t just a pain to deal with; tooth decay, gingivitis, sensitivity, and gum recession are just some of the health risks that worsen over time and may lead to significant, even life-threatening, health crises. Maintain your oral hygiene with a daily schedule of flossing and brushing and get a professional cleaning at least once a year.

Many health concerns can be prevented with good habits at home. Staying active, eating healthily, and getting enough sleep have been shown to be surprisingly effective in avoiding lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart problems. Vision and dental care require a combination of at-home maintenance and healthy patterns, and some regular professional care to keep you in good condition. Medical costs can be expensive if your health gets out of control, and not all conditions are reversible, so invest in strategically improving your at-home care and maintenance plans a little bit all the time.