
How To Drive Your Car Safely With Motorcyclists On The Road

How To Drive Your Car Safely With Motorcyclists On The Road

When the weather starts to become warmer, you can expect to see more motorcyclists on the street. This means you must use extra caution. Even a minor collision can prove to be disastrous for a biker. Here are a few important safety tips for sharing the road with motorcycles.

Give Yourself Plenty of Space

When trailing a motorcyclist, it’s a good idea to give yourself a good space cushion. Experts recommend staying at least four seconds behind. An even bigger gap should be maintained when driving on wet roads. Because of a motorcycle’s lighter design, it can stop quicker than a normal vehicle. If you happen to be following too closely, you may not have enough time to react.

Check Your Blind Spots

Motorcycles can easily become lost in your blind spot. This is why it’s so important to check your blind spots often. If you see or hear a motorcycle approaching, look twice before attempting to change lanes. Contrary to common belief, it’s not always a good idea for drivers to perform “shoulder checks” in heavy traffic. Turning your head to the rear forces you to take your eyes off the road. A better approach is to make sure your mirrors are properly adjusted.

Be Extra Careful At Intersections

A high percentage of motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. This is especially true when drivers are making a left turn. Unfortunately, many of these collisions result in a fatality. When preparing to make a left turn, you should always double-check for oncoming traffic. Keep a keen eye on motorcyclists who are coming in the opposite direction.

Put Away Your Cell Phone

While texting and driving is illegal in nearly every state, far too many people tend to ignore the law. Texting around motorcycles is especially risky. Even the force from a small bump could send the rider flying off their bike. To help you resist the urge to text while on the road, download a safe driving app.

Pay Attention At Night

When driving at night, be sure to remain aware of your surroundings. A motorcycle’s single taillight can easily blend in with the lights of other vehicles. This is yet another reason why it’s critical to maintain a safe following distance.

Smart driving habits will help you to stay safe around motorcycles. During peak motorcycle season, always maintain a strong sense of awareness. It never hurts to be a bit cautious. If you are a motorcyclist and are involved in an accident, make sure to reach out to attorneys, like those at Iron Horse Motorcycle Lawyers, to find out what to do next.