If you suffer from addiction, it is important to admit it and check into a drug rehab. No matter what type of drug addiction you suffer from, you will surely be able to find a drug rehab that can help you cure your addiction. Nowadays, you can find luxury drug rehab that treat all kinds of addictions including vicodin, marijuana, crystal meth, alcohol, heroin and etc. As you know, there are two main types of drug rehab centers which are traditional rehab and luxury rehab.

Traditional rehab offers basic care for the drug/alcohol addicts and the treatment methods that they use are usually dated. There is no special treatment for the patients in a traditional rehab and they will usually be cramped into a dorm like room. The poor condition of a traditional rehab can often make it hard for the patient to recover. There are many free traditional rehab centers subsidized by the government. Although it is free, you should not expect to get treatment instantly because you have to wait for your turn in the long queue.

How Luxury Drug Rehab Can Help You To Attain Sobriety

Rehab facility California is a more high end rehab center that offers high quality accommodation and the latest treatment facilities but it has a higher price tag. The luxury rehab maintains high level of hygiene unlike a public rehab where they have lower standard of hygiene. They constantly improve their facilities and make sure that the treatment method that they use is always up to date.

Fine dining is emphasized in a luxury drug rehab and it can help patients to enjoy their food in each of their meals. The food served at the rehab are both delicious and rich in the essential nutrients. Both individual and group counseling are provided at a luxury drug rehab. They do not limit the number of private counseling sessions because they are never lack in staff. There are always staff that take on shift to give counseling to the patients whenever they need them.

Luxury drug rehab tend to have a smaller number of participants and this allows the staff to focus their attention to the patients. In a public rehab, the patients often outnumber the staff. So, going to a public rehab doesn’t help at all because the patients don’t get any attention from the staff. The staff also lack motivation to help the patient because they don’t get paid well. In a luxury drug rehab, they hire professional counselors and doctors that are well paid to ensure that the patients get the best treatment possible.

Many luxury drug rehab centers offer dual diagnosis to treat patients who are addicted to drugs and have mental health issues at the same time. There are various form of dual diagnosis treatments including dialectic behavioral therapy, integrated group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and individual psychotherapy. Dialectic behavioral therapy aims to heal the addict’s mind and prevent the addict from compromising to suicidal behavior.

Integrated group therapy can treat both the drug abuse and mental issues. Cognitive behavioral therapy can encourage positive thinking so that the addict will not have problematic thinking that leads to addictive behavior. Individual psychotherapy will treat behaviors and mental problems that occur as a result of substance abuse.

At the luxury drug rehab, patients will regularly receive education on how to cope with their addictions. Therapy treatment programs take place every day. You have the opportunity to take part in a group counseling session daily. There is a diverse of people that come from different background that you can meet.

You should find a luxury drug rehab that provides aftercare program as you make the transition to every day life. The aftercare program can provide ongoing support for you in case you meet a challenge after you leave the facility. A good aftercare program ensues that the patient will continue to make progressive and stay on track in the goal of attaining full sobriety.