To lose weight, you generally need to reduce your daily calorie intake. Taking a look at your habits and revamping your daily rituals. Fortunately, there are healthy ways to stop this natural process and keep your appetite within normal limits. In order to lose weight, it is not only necessary to choose healthy foods and exercise, but you also need to keep your appetite under control. Increased appetite linked to the emotional eating and excessive fatigue to habitual eating habits.
Breakfast based on Protein
Nutrition doctors strongly promote protein supplementation at main meals, with good reason these essential nutrients maintain the satiety state longer. But the time they are consumed is equally important in regulating your appetite. A study by Purdue University professors in Indiana, USA, showed that people who eat low protein (egg yolks, skimmed yoghurt, oil, etc.) at breakfast have a more persistent feeling of satiety.
Regular Meal Program
Food routine is beneficial to the body, as it is the only one that can give it a landmark in running hunger cycles. Respect three main meals a day and a healthy snack to keep your blood sugar level stable and keep your hunger hormones under control. When you eat chaotic, the stomach will send messages to the brain as disorganized, and metabolism will no longer work in normal parameters.
Choosing the Right Snacks
Snacks between meals are a real adjunct to regulating appetite and maintaining body weight as long as they are made up on the right foods. Of course, pastries, sweets or fast food, consumed daily, will cause increases in appetite. Make sure you have a handful of unleavened and unsaturated oleaginous fruits (almonds, peanuts, nuts, cashew nuts, etc.) and keep carrots, whole biscuits or skimmed cheese in the refrigerator. This type of snacks are satiated, have a high nutritional value and help you get rid of hunger crises, usually solved with a visit to the unhealthy snack machine.
High protein snacks for chicken, salmon or turkey or tofu, increase mental alertness, control appetite, and help metabolic processes work normally.
Supplementing Fiber Intake
There is plenty of scientific evidence that additional fiber intake means a significant decrease in appetite. Enter in the daily menu as many fruits, vegetables, whole grains , legumes (beans, lentils, naut, quinoa, etc.) or flaxseed.
Consumption of Starch-rich Foods with Slow digestion
Starch-rich foods have long been regarded as sources of fattening because of the high carbohydrate content. But not all products of this type contain the same kind of starch. Potatoes, for example, contain a special starch resistant to digestive enzymes, being digested more slowly. This means that the hunger sensation becomes more difficult to consume, provided that these vegetables are cooked without the addition of fat (by baking, boiling or steaming). Slow grain-rich foods include wholegrain cereals, rice, corn, pasta, green peas, pumpkin, beans, lentils, etc.
Careful Selection of Fats
If saturated fats in fast food trigger true hunger crises shortly after consumption, the same is not true for healthy (monounsaturated) foods. Oleic acid, containing olive oil, nuts or avocados, has a strong effect of inducing persistent saturation sensation. A study published in the journal Cellular Metabolism shows evidence that oleic acid is transformed during digestion into a compound that conveys to the brain the message that the body no longer needs food.