
Give Your Dog His Own Identity

Now that you have your own version of man’s best friend, it’s important that you take some steps to keep him safe and secure. Having his personal identification attached to him is imperative, especially if he runs away or gets loose from the leash. You’ll soon learn that this furry creature is like a member of your family, and to prevent heartache that is almost unbearable, you must take precautions to ensure that he’ll be returned to you if he does get separated from you in any way. Giving your dog his own identity means more than just loving him and providing him with food and water.

Get an ID Tag Immediately

One of the first things that you should do for your pet is to get an ID tag made for him that you can attach to his collar. There are various sizes and colours that you can affix securely to him. This will mean that, should someone find him wandering around on his own adventure, they can take possession of him and contact you immediately with his location. In a study published in Preventative Veterinary Medicine, it was revealed that “only 33% of owners keep ID tags on their pets.” This means that a large number of dogs run the risk of never going home if they are somehow separated from their loved ones.

 The Information to Include

 The ID tag that you place on your dog should be large enough to carry all of the vital information that would be needed to return him to you if he became lost. You will want the tag to be small enough to accommodate the size of your pet and not to interfere with his daily routine or activities. You should include:

When you think about your dog getting lost, consider how the person who finds him could get in touch with you the fastest; this is the information that you want at the top of the ID tag. If you always have your cell phone with you, use that contact number first. You want your dog returned quickly so you can return him to the people who love him and need him in their lives.

 Fasten the ID Tag Securely

The dog’s ID tag will have a method of fastening so that it won’t be easily removed. Should he scrape it on a fence or branch, you want it to remain in place so that he can be found. Most dog collars usually have a ring so that leashes and identifying tags can be affixed to them. Remember, when you change the collar for a new one, also move the ID tag so that your dog will always be able to be found by a passer-by.

Keeping your dog secure when he wanders away from you can offer you peace of mind until he is returned to you.