
Getting Where You Want To Be With Your Music

Everyone at some point in their lives thinks about how cool it could be to be in a traveling band – there’s that allure that just won’t ever disappear, the idea of showing up in the dusty road and going from town to town to set up and blow some minds, after which exit and head to the next town. You have to listen up – that excitement and that way of life is actually much more attainable than you feel if you are one of these brilliant people who would like to be in a band or if you are in a band. Lots of people think they must just hold out and await someone to discover them in their home town – that’s an illusion and a lie! You can get to in which you want by doing it yourself. Here’s how.

Record Some Really Good Tunes

You can’t practice it the way you wish to if your music is terrible, so write some tunes and start playing them with your friends. Should you get a bunch of dudes together who think the songs are perfect, then practice to make sure that the tunes have reached least played well. Then acquire some other people to share with you truthfully whether or not the tunes are great. Start over and write new tunes if they aren’t. The worst thing you can do would be to just keep going playing bad songs hoping people will come around to you. So upon having the good tunes you’re going to want to make a semi decent recording. Gone are the days where one can go super lo fi, since it’s so easy to create good recordings these days for pretty cheap. So, achieve that.

Hit the Road

You can play in your home town all the time but all that can do is create the locals bored of you. You may wear out your welcome and will also be bad since no one will come to your shows and you’ll believe that they’re all jerks when really it merely means you’ve been playing too much, a timeless case of supply and demand – flooding the marketplace with an excessive amount of you, basically. If you want to play all the time, and you ought to want to, then get a 15 passenger van rental and hit the path! You all pile in, and go from town to town, and have a genuine tour. No waiting for someone to hold your hand and wipe your diapers, just a good classic rock and roll band experience. Make sure you buy the insurance though! You can get a cheap rental here: https://www.avonrents.com.

Be Awesome

The worst thing you can do is to not be awesome. You have to be awesome, both on and off stage. That prima donna stuff does not work for most. Axl Rose is the exception not the rule. Be nice and be cool, be friendly and funny, fun and approachable. You can get to where you need to be. if you keep at it