
Electric Hand Dryer Myth-Busting – A Few Untruths Addressed

You’d think that in this day and age, the world would have finally come to a consensus with regard to which option in terms of hand drying was the outright best. But no, in fact quite to the contrary as now more than ever, debate still rages as to whether or not modern electronic hand dryers are in fact all they’re cracked up to be.

Now, while it’s fair to say that brand leaders like www.blowmotion.co.uk are bound to be to some extent biased in favour of hot air hand dryers, there’s absolutely no disputing the facts and evidence out there. The simple fact of the matter is that there is a very big difference between blind theory and hard evidence, which is why many of the longest standing myths of all regarding electric hand dryers should by now have been quite frankly blown out.

Electric Hand Dryer Myth-Busting – A Few Untruths Addressed

So with this in mind, here is a quick introduction to just a handful of the most common and longest-standing untruths of all along with their respective truths behind them:

1 – They’re Inefficient

First and foremost comes the argument that electronic hand dryers are inefficient and therefore really do not make good business sense to be used when and where alternatives are available. This is a theory that stems off from the fact that there was a time quite some time ago when and where electric hand dryers were not particularly efficient because the technology behind them was somewhat remedial.  These days however things are entirely different and just as is the case with pretty much every other type of technology across the board, hand dryers are more efficient than they have ever been. In fact, it has been proven that on a per-user basis, they are considerably more efficient than alternative hand drying methods.

2 – They Don’t Do a Good Job

This is another one of those somewhat archaic suggestions that may apply quite accurately to the hand dryers of years gone by, though in this day and age are completely redundant. If you use a hand dryer which is so old, worn out and of generally poor quality that it feels a little like being breathed on a by an asthmatic mouse, of course it’s going to do a rubbish job drying your hands. However, if you are using one of today’s exceptionally effective, powerful and yet energy efficient dryers, hands are dried completely and thoroughly in a matter of seconds…period.

3 – They’re Unhygienic

Chances are everyone will by now have heard the theory regarding hot air hand dryers being unhygienic breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. A rather disconcerting prospect to say the least, but one that has also been completely and totally quashed by scientific research which has shown that this never has been and never will be the case. The simple fact of the matter is that where there are extremely hot temperatures and fast moving air not to mention the on-going cleaning and maintenance of those in ownership of the units, it is simply impossible for germs and bacteria to manifest to any kind of level as to make a hot air dryer in any way unhygienic or unsanitary.

4 – They’re Costly to Maintain

Some continue to insist that hot air hand dryers do not make good choices for the simple reason that they are costly to maintain and demanding by way of upkeep.  Again, there may have been some truth in this kind of theory were it to have been voiced 25 years ago, but as of today it really could not be further from the truth.  Not only do day-to-day upkeep requirements and costs come in at somewhere around a zero mark, but even longer term maintenance and upkeep are again almost too insignificant to even warrant a mention. In terms of long-term and on-going costs, any good electric hand dryer is pretty much the cheapest option on the market.

5 – Paper Towels Are Better

Last but not least, it is still voiced even to this date that there is no real point in investing in an electric hand dryer when paper towels are not only equally capable, but superior. Sadly, what this fails to take into account is the way in which paper towels are not only considerably costlier over the long term, but are incredibly wasteful, require constant replenishment and are pretty much guaranteed to make a mess of any washroom in a pretty short period of time. Electric hand dryers offer a package of plus points which these days is simply undeniable, whichever way you look at it.