
Cloud Based Solutions For High Performing Publishing Companies

Companies today depend on the individual performance of their employees to achieve success. It has become crucial for businesses to employ all effective measures for improving the performance of each individual in their workforce so that their organization can grow. Publishing companies can have different teams working in different situations to achieve the desired goals. They have to handle authors, advertisers, suppliers and other stakeholders to drive the company’s profits. Things can become quite complicated, especially when there is shortage of properly trained and experienced human resource. Technology can prove to be the perfect partner in business, allowing you to empower your employees so that they can carry out their functions efficiently.

Cloud Technology for Publishing Companies

Technology has brought the world together and has speeded up processes. Cloud technology is one of the biggest developments in recent years and using the latest cloud services can help publishing companies simplify and speed all their crucial processes. In this article you will find valuable information about the best cloud based solutions that help publishing companies.

SharePoint Gratis: This is a cloud based solution that allows your employees to communicate and share information, and collaborate on files and documents. You will be able to have your own website built on the cloud. This site can be used for storing and sharing information in all formats. The site is extremely easy to create and anyone can set it up in a few minutes.

The SharePoint Gratis service allows you to build different types of websites including intranet, extranet and public facing sites. And all this can be done without any expenses. The site can also be used for managing documents or communicating with teams. Because of this, all your files are stored on the cloud and can be accessed by anyone as long as they have the permission.

Benefits of SharePoint Gratis

Publishing projects are no longer confined to the desktop. Your field teams have to interact and collaborate with your back-office staff to ensure that they are able to carry out their duties with higher efficiency. SharePoint Gratis helps you work around the problem by allowing your teams to access, view, share and edit documents from anywhere. The SharePoint website allows all your employees to communicate and collaborate on files so that they can deliver their duties even when they are on the go.

The best thing about the SharePoint site is that it allows document access from any device. Your workforce could be using any device – Mac, Windows, Android, iOS or BlackBerry, they could access the files without any limitations.

Thanks to this cloud-based solution it is no longer a challenge for your team to work in coordination with each other. Besides, it doesn’t cost you anything extra. Check https://www.cloudappsportal.com/ for more information about this cloud service.

Online Virtual Desktop: Publishing companies can benefit big when their employees are able to access their desktop from any location. It is a cost effective solution that helps minimize the overall costs. Hosted virtual desktop eliminates the need for installing the latest and most powerful hardware. Besides, you also don’t have to worry about software updates. The provider will take care of everything. Overall, you will save big on installing all the hardware infrastructure.

Cloud hosted virtual desktop solution allows your teams to access the virtual desktop from any location in the world. This will help in providing your workforce total freedom and flexibility. This will have an impact on your publishing company’s efficiency and productivity.

The Online Virtual Desktop solution from Apps4Rent provides your employees access to your applications from any location. Your workforce can access the applications on browsers or Remote Data Protocol. The cloud hosted virtual desktop goes a step further and allows access to local resources like printers and other peripherals like scanners remotely. It also allows control over access permissions so that you can decide who can access applications, files and resources.

Some of the other benefits include multi-layered backup and security, and 24×7 professional support. Check out https://www.clouddesktoponline.com/ for more information about this cloud solution.