
All About The Blood Sugar Levels and How to Keep It In Check

All About The Blood Sugar Levels and How to Keep It In Check

Research has found out that the connection between a woman’s menstrual cycle and her blood glucose is as varied as it gets. No concrete result has come out of it, which shows that the effect of menstruation on blood glucose is pretty much as different as each individual’s diseases and problems.

This is why blood glucose testing is the one and only method of finding out exactly how a lady’s monthly cycle controls or affects her diabetes.

What is the reason for the rise and fall of blood sugar levels?

Most people with diabetes know how fickle our blood sugar levels really are and how important it is to keep it under control. You can have a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes or you can be living with it for years now. It is important to find out your limits and keep the disease under control.

If you don’t keep your blood sugar level under control then you’re a target for potential complications associated with diabetes like kidney disease, problems associated with vision, stroke, nerve damage, heart diseases etc. When it comes to blood sugar and ovulation you must make sure that everything is intact so that the baby is healthy. Keeping your blood sugar levels in check on a day to day basis will help you stay focused, energized and in an excellent mood.

Poor controlled diabetes leads to frequent urination, unexplained weight gain or weight loss and wounds that won’t heal.

How to keep your blood sugar levels in check?

The ADA (American Diabetes Association) says that a proper regimen comprising of prescribed medication, regular exercising, effective meal planning will help you keep the blood sugar levels under control. You should use a blood glucose meter to track the numbers on a day to day basis to know and keep your levels within an acceptable range.

It is recommended that the blood glucose levels should be around 80-130 mg before you eat your meals and below 180 mg, two or more hours after you eat your meal.

It is also recommended by American Diabetes Association that you get an A1C test to measure the average glucose levels in your blood over the past three months, minimum twice a year if your blood sugar level is stable and you meet your treatment goal regularly.

Why is it important to learn about the different habits of diabetic patients?

Once you’re familiar with the different habits that cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate, you can help yourself when you experience hypoglycemia, i.e. low blood sugar, during advanced diabetes. On the other hand, high blood sugar known as hyperglycemia is caused due to factors such as not using an adequate amount of insulin and medication for diabetes, not following a diet as prescribed by the doctor or using medication such as steroids.

Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels during ovulation, which can lead to severe health consequences. High blood sugar levels can cause a lot of problems and if it gets worse, it can even lead to death.