
A Little Luxury: 4 Changes to Make Your Car Feel Like a Luxury Vehicle

If your car or truck is starting to feel outdated, then it might be time to consider some upgrades. With a few simple changes, you will be able to turn your vehicle into a luxurious ride that is both comfortable and eye-catching.

Heated Seats

Seat heaters are going to make your vehicle much more comfortable during the cold winter months this year, especially if you’re planning to travel for the holidays. The assembly is easier than you might expect and usually only takes a few hours. To install aftermarket seat heaters, all you have to do is slip the heating pads just under the outermost material on each seat and connect the assembly directly to the battery. Seat heaters are going to be particularly useful if your car or truck also has a remote start system.

Upgraded Infotainment Center

While most vehicles now come with touchscreen infotainment centers, that stock hardware isn’t always attractive or easy to use. Replacing the infotainment center should only take a single day, and you don’t need any special tools or instruments. As long as the new infotainment center has generic hookups, you probably won’t need anything more than a single socket wrench and plastic pry tool.

Struts and Shocks

Your vehicle’s shocks and struts must stand up to an incredible amount of wear and tear over the years, and you are probably going to notice some major problems when they begin to go out. That includes excessive bouncing when you go over bumps, unusual squeaking noises, and vibrations at high speeds. New shocks and struts will greatly improve your vehicle’s safety and handling. Replacing them quickly when they begin to wear will make your car much more enjoyable to drive.

Tinted Windows

Auto window tint services are very affordable, and that upgrade is going to have a huge impact on your vehicle’s appearance. As an added bonus, the tint is also going to minimize sun damage by blocking some of the UV rays. Before you have your windows tinted though, you should take a look at your local laws. Many states have very strict laws regarding auto glass tinting, and you could be fined if your windows are too dark.

These few tips are a great start, but you might want to have your vehicle professionally detailed as well. A high-quality detailing job is going to make your car or truck look years younger, and that project can usually be completed in a single day.