Holiday is meant to be a life-affirming, joyous and happy time. This should be a time when we are filled with gratitude and joy. We will also be able to fill our hearts with cheer and fill our bellies with tasty meals. Unfortunately, it is still possible that anger brews, instead of happiness. There are many bad things that could happen to us. As an example, there could be unhealed problems between multiple family members. Even during a vacation, repressed anger can be quite bad for us. It is important that we forgive family members before we depart for a vacation. Many bitter divorces are caused by improper emotional management and it’s something that we need to avoid whenever possible. Things can get even worse when we start taking sides. Family members should be mature enough, so they are able to handle bad emotions. Divorces can be bad for everyone, especially children. Unlike adults, it is hard for them to take sides. All they need is to have a complete family and loving parents. It may feel like a nightmare to be asked to choose sides,which is something that many children don’t want to have. Existing problems in the family could cause members to feel reluctant to participate in any kind of vacation trip or other family-based activities. This is especially true, because they expect that some kind of conflicts will definitely occur and this something many people want to avoid whenever possible. It is important that people always honor their commitment and promises.

Conflict could happen when people think that they don’t really have a choice. It may feel bad enough, because people think that they are being pressured to join the vacation, something that they don’t really like to do, due to the potential conflicts. This is especially true if family members don’t really have the intention to forgive one another. There are things we should do, so we will be able to prepare ourselves for our holiday trips. In this situation, we should do everything necessary, such as preparing ourselves physically and emotionally for the trip. We should not allow anything that can wreak havoc on our overall self-esteem. We should know about things that can make us feel bad throughout the trip. Despite our best effort, there could still be some disagreement with one or two family members. Although we should have amiable relationship with them, it’s a good idea tp avoid being present around them for too long. We shouldn’t engage in a lengthy conversation with them, if we are concerned that some bad things could happen. We should choose only the best sentence and in the most positive manner, so we will able to avoid conflict. It is better to enjoy our trip and it’s not time to resolve existing conflicts. It is better to say “excuse me” often than putting ourselves in a very difficult situation. We should try to be kind with everyone and it is important that we are being helpful. Once the vacation is over, it would be a great idea to reconsider our situation and find out whether it is possible for us to improve the condition.

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