
5 Causes Of Yeast Infection With Their Solutions

5 Causes Of Yeast Infection With Their Solutions

This article will help in understating various possibilities and basic causes behind yeast infection. It will help men and women in making the necessary changes before starting any particular type of treatment as it is essential to know about the yeast infection cause beforehand.

1 – Having Lower Estrogen Levels

For those women who have lower estrogen levels, things can get quite complicated as the growth of bacteria responsible for yeast infection will find a proper place for growing inside. Most of the women experience low estrogen level during the start of their menstruation period and when it comes to an end, the symptoms also go away. This situation is not at all alarming, but if condition remains the same even after the period has come to an end, it is important to get checked properly and then recommendation.

The Cure

It is a suitable setting for fungi which helps yeast infection to grow and increase further. Taking pro-biotic supplements and cutting down carbohydrates and sugary items is recommended. Prevention will help in making a lot of things easier for women and will also cut down the risk of any type of risky yeast infection treatments.

2 – Consuming Too Much Sugar

Yeast loves sugar and this means whoever is consuming a lot of sugary items will supply glucose to the blood and yeast loves to feed and grow on it. Sweet bakery items and other candies will ruin the overall system and do a lot of damage.  There are many fresh fruits and carbohydrate items, which can cause a hike in the sugar level of the blood.

The Cure

Those people who have the habit of consuming coffee in morning before their breakfast are certainly making things worst for themselves. Caffeine gives a tremendous hike to the sugar levels in blood and makes it a happy day for the growth of yeast. To control the production of yeast right in the morning, it is recommended to have yogurt as the prime dish and you can add crushed almonds to it, sprinkle cinnamon powder and also add few drops of pure vanilla extract.

3 – Wearing Panty-Liners

Causes of yeast infection are also linked to the type of dressing most of the women do normally. Now there is a sharp trend of wearing extremely fitting clothes and giving out a nice figure line or shape. Panty-liners can do a lot of damage as they provide the perfect damp environment for the growth of Candida, which can cause the outbreak of the infection. Scented tampons can also damage the delicate walls and cause irritation.

The Cure

It is recommended to wear cotton liners, which will allow some space for breathing and will not backfire. About using the tampons women need to pick those which are without any scent and have only cotton as their main element.

4 – Having Vaginal Eczema

Most of the women are not well aware about the fact that eczema can grow inside the vagina as well. It is presumed that eczema will grow outside of skin most commonly on legs and arms. Eczema inside can cause a lot of trouble inside as it can cause irritation and inflammation which can eventually lead to chronic yeast infection symptoms.

The Cure

If there are any itchy rashes and scaly feelings inside vagina, a gynecologist needs to be contacted right away to eliminate the chances of yeast infection development. 

5 – Using Spermicidal Condoms

This is another cause of yeast infection that spermicidal condoms make use of nonoxynol-9 which is quite harsh and can disturb internal levels of immunity present inside vagina. This will eventually provide room to it to lay out its basis and start growing rapidly. Apart from condoms, any type of spermicidal products can be risky to use as they are mostly used to make a contact with interior walls of vagina.

The Cure

If you are experiencing some issues due to the usage of spermicidal products you need to consider other same options, which will not cause irritation or problems inside. Causes of a yeast infection need to be eliminated right at the beginning to live a comfortable and healthy life without any major chronic risks.