
5 Best Procedures For Weight Loss

Each and every person on earth is concerned about weight loss as it is really important to stay in shape. There are various alternatives of losing weight like joining a gym, running, walking etc. While some people are so determined that they can do intense exercise for long time, some people just take workout casually and do it for shorter intervals. For such people, weight-loss surgeries are the best mechanisms.

5 Best Procedures For Weight Loss

Here are some of the best procedures for weight loss:-

1. Laparoscopic Gastric Banding:-

This procedure is best for obese people. This is a single day process. In this, the food intake is restricted as a silicon ring is placed around the top portion of stomach. The idea is that whenever you eat, your stomach feels more filling easily as the stretching of upper part occurs. The results are nice as the average weight loss percentage is up to 60 %.

2. Reshape – Gastric Balloon Weight Loss:- 

Reshape is a non-surgical weight loss process. It is quite effective for weight loss as its effect remains for a long time. It is advised to use the ReShape Dual Balloon System in combination with proper workout and diet plan. It is good for people who have a BMI up to 40 kg/m. It is the best option for adults who are not achieving any good results through diet and exercise.

3. The Dr. Bernstein Diet:-

This is a special diet plan which is fat-free. Patients have to visit the clinic about thrice a week and consult with various dieticians for discussing the progress of diet plan. Many times the patients also need to have some health supplements. The diet plan shows wonderful results, when followed nicely.

4. Weight Loss Pills:-

Now-a-days, many weight loss pills are also available which show good results. They basically suppress your hunger and cravings. But these pills may effect negatively if healthy diet is not taken. One should go for these pills only after consulting a health expert and not before that.

5. Non-surgical Weight Loss Mechanism:-

This is also one of the fastest methods of weight loss. This mechanism comes in two forms. In one process, ultrasound waves are sent through the skin for liquefying fat tissues. This is a painless process. In the second process, infrared laser waves are sent through the skin for shrinking the fat tissues. This is an expensive process, but is known to cause weight loss permanently if accompanied with workout and diet.

All the above mentioned processes are somewhat expensive. It is advisable to go for them if you can afford it and understand all the downfalls of these treatments on your body. If everything goes well, these treatments are pretty effective and can really change your shape.