
3 Key Reasons Why HR Departments Are More Efficient With Outsourced Transcription

3 Key Reasons Why HR Departments Are More Efficient With Outsourced Transcription

HR departments in large and small companies are increasingly overworked. The volume of tasks to deal with on a daily basis can be overwhelming, since every task must be performed to a high standard and within the framework of regulation and guidelines. This is why HR departments are increasingly outsourcing some of these tasks to professional organisations. One key task is transcription.

Transcription is necessary for many different areas of HR from disciplinary procedures to grievance hearings, misconduct hearings to interviews. Transcripts are required and needed by HR departments, and the task is often better undertaken when it is outsourced to another organisation. Here’s why outsourcing works well for HR transcription.

  1. HR Departments Always Act With Fairness and Transparency

HR meetings are frequently sensitive and it is vital that there is fairness and transparency on both sides of the table. Transcription helps to protect against future grievance claims and to make sure that the issues raised in a sensitive meeting are recorded for future reference. It is very important that the employee and the employer are both allowed to present their case, and that their voice is properly recorded. An outsourced solution for transcription means that this vital task is always carried out to the highest standards and there is no risk that a meeting will not get transcribed correctly.

Plus, since the task of transcription is outsourced to a neutral company, no one can be accused of favouring one side of the argument with what is written down.

  1. HR Departments Make Sure Confidentiality is Retained

It is essential that any issues of a sensitive nature that are discussed in HR meetings are kept confidential. The issues raised may affect others in the company, and also could have a far-reaching impact on the lives of the employee. By outsourcing transcription to a company like https://www.alphabetsecretarial.co.uk/, HR departments ensure confidentiality. This may not be so easy if the task is undertaken in-house, perhaps by someone who does not fully understand the implications of data confidentiality.

  1. HR Departments are Acting Responsibly

Outsourcing the task of transcription allows the HR department to act in a responsible manner, and it shows they take the task of protecting information and their employees seriously. A transcription service allows the HR department to concentrate on the more complex and demanding aspects of the job and therefore offer an in-depth service to employees and to the company without having to concentrate on the actual task of transcribing meetings.