
10 Facts On Injury Compensation

Injury compensation is what you are entitled to if you are in an accident that was not your fault. UK law says that if the accident happened in the last three years and your injuries needed medical attention, the guilty party should compensate you for the suffering they have caused.  Some of the more useful facts about injury compensation are:

· At the start of a claim, no one can tell you how much it will be.  Compensation calculators can give you an estimate for your injuries, but this can only ever be an estimate because there are too many variables to take into account. You will find one that is really easy and quick to use at http://www.ukclaimlawyers.co.uk/

· The length a claim takes can vary greatly.  Some take a few weeks and others take many months. A reputable claim management company will work quickly and efficiently on your claim, but there are some things they have no control over.

· The severity of your injuries, the impact on your life and the prospects for future recovery will all be accounted for when UK Claim Lawyers assist with your claim. A medical report will be needed.

· Any extra costs you have had to bear because of the accident are recoverable providing you have proof of paying them.

· If you have to lose time from work because of the injuries, loss of income can be recouped but you will need wageslips to prove the loss.  If you do not have these, confirmation will be needed from you employer, or accountant if you are self-employed.

· The no win no fee agreement means exactly what it says, and you do not have to find any money at the start of your claim, or if your claim is lost.  Most personal injury claims are financed in this way.

· The sooner after the accidentclaims are made, the more chance of success they appear to have. This seems to be because everyone’s recollection of events is fresher than three years later.  Make your claim as soon as you can after the accident, because the sooner you do, the sooner you will receive your compensation.

· Very few victims have to go to court.  The majority of claims are settled before they reach this stage, saving everyone time and money, and no waiting for court dates, so the claim is settled quicker.

· In some accidents, the police or Health and Safety Executive may be involved.  If either of them is, they will complete an accident report that often apportions blame.  This could be vital when you are making a claim.

· A personal injury claim will have the best chance of success when professional injury lawyers assist you to claim your compensation. They have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure that all aspects of your claim are examined and that you get the maximum compensation for your circumstances.

Hopefully some of these facts will prove useful when you need to make a personal injury compensation claim.